Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NDCL Fund Phonathon

Junior Jimmy Vanek was one of the top callers in this year's Phonathon
Thank you  NDCL alumni and friends who generously supported the NDCL Fund Phonathon earlier this month. NDCL students manned the phones and collected 323 pledges in just 4 nights! 

In addition to connecting with alumni, our students earned real-world sales experience.  The Phonathon is just a part of our effort to reach our goal of raising $285,000 for this year's NDCL Fund.

The NDCL Fund is our annual giving program designed to fund scholarships and assistance for NDCL students. Support of the NDCL fund allows students to share fully in the NDCL experience.

Visit to learn more or make your gift today!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NDCL's Seventh Annual Career Week

Nadine Nocero '04 described her career as a Marketing & Social Media Coordinator at Keller Williams Realty to NDCL juniors and seniors during the arts and communications session of our Seventh Annual Career Week.

35 professionals were on campus Nov 14-17 for NDCL's Annual Career Week.  Kimm Leininger, Executive Director of the United Way, Geauga County, kicked off the week with a Keynote Address focusing on broadening horizons, including balancing family and work responsibilities, service to the community, and doing what you believe in.

NDCL juniors and seniors had the option to attend up to 3 of 7 career clusters--business, science and engineering, healthcare, IT, arts and communications, education and social services, and legal and government.  Our guests included representatives from our parent and alumni groups, and community leaders from organizations such as University Hospitals, Precision Orthopaedics, Kinetico, and Hyland Software.

Career Week is a joint venture sponsored by NDCL's Advancement Office and the Office of College, Counseling, and Support Services.

NDCL Alumni Board Election Results

Congratulations to the following NDCL alumni who were elected to the Alumni Board beginning January 1, 2012:

President: Matt Lallo `02
VP Communications: Katie Tilenni `04
VP Events: John Werner `00
VP Recruitment: Jeff Colagross `94
VP Finance: Joe Lallo `98
Secretary: Amy (Krajnak) Statler '94
At-Large: Katie Ryan `02, Bob Helton `00, Joe Watrobski `98, Jason DeSantis `95

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NDCL Alumni Fall Service Day a Hit!

24 NDCL alumni and students "blitzed" four homes in Geauga County in the NDCL Alumni Association's 3rd Annual Fall Service Day on October 29th.  Although the day started out with light frost, the hard work done by the volunteers soon turned frost into sweat as the group raked leaves, moved woodpiles, cleaned gutters, and other small tasks for senior citizens in the county.

Joe Watrobski `98 says, "The Fall Service Day was another success for the NDCL Alumni Association and the community. I love being a part of these events because you get to see familiar faces, meet alumni from other classes and interact with current students. It's the perfect way to give back, network with colleagues and provide a good example to future alumni."

The group bused from NDCL to the various sites and concluded with lunch at NDCL.  Thank you to all those that participated and we look forward to helping more residents next year!