Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alumni testimonials needed for Seasons, NDCL publications!

NDCL Alumni Responses Requested!
The best action NDCL can take as a school community is to share the successes of our alumni,  families and friends.  Throughout this year we want to include testimonials from you in Seasons, the Annual Report, and other publications.
Take a moment, reflect on NDCL's mission:
"Like Mary who gave Christ to the world,
NDCL educates leaders who transform the world,
as Jesus did, by living the truth in love."
In what way are you transforming our world?
Please post or email your response to by August 15th at the latest. Include your name, year of graduation, and post-high school education/training.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

NDCL Golf Classic another smash hit!

We are coming off another successful NDCL Golf Classic--our eleventh--on Monday July 18th.  Although we were down on players, those that were there were quite spirited even in the heat of the day!

Our sponsors were high again and because of that we netted $14,500 that go directly to scholarships for NDCL students.  The photo gallery is on the NDCL webpage, and we're starting to plan for next year.  Date will be on the golf page soon.  The winning foursome is All for You Janitorial, one of our corporate partners.  Tim O'Donnell, Joe Krajnyak, Rich Krajnyak, and Mark O'Donnell one the tiebreaker with Coach Wally's group to take the trophy.

On another note, stay tuned later this summer for a redesigned homepage for  We are working hard on a cleaner, more user-friendly homepage for the start of the school year.